
Journal 3

Chinese vocal recital in Vancouver
Last week, My friends and I were bound to Gernal motor place to watch the Chinese vocal recital in downtown , before the starting of the entertainment, we went to a Chinese restaurant, this meal is the most tranditional Chinese food I ever eat in Vancouver, it's so delicious and I felt so excited until I saw the bill, 25 bucks what I need pay is sucks.
At 7:30,we enter the gym, the entertainment started, many pop stars from China singed a lot of songs made the site exciting.Althoug there is no my favouriet idol, I still was high with the music playing. At the middle time, the capital of Vancouver appeared on the stage, it 's amazing ,because he can speak Chinese fluently, he said he like Chinese culture so much , and want visit China someday. Everbody clap their hands for him.
Xiao YaXuan, a very popular Chinese singer from Taiwan Provience, her dancing is hot anvital, even the gym seened like dancing.
At end of the entertainment, Han Lei singed a song ,named"I love you, China". Every overseas Chinese were moved, and some were crying, I thought they may miss their hometown so much.
Although I am studying oversea, I still concern my country, I hope more activates like this can be held in Vancouver.


Journal 2

The effects when you moved to another coutry
Nowadays ,more and more people move from their home coutry to developed coutry.They just want to have a better life.
The new life also affects you on many aspacts such as language ,culture,customes.
Lanuage:If a person speak English as secong language come to Canada.He must learn English and use it all the time,Sooner or later,his morther language will desulomate.
Culture:when they immigrant to new coutry,the culture is totally different.They will get another kind of thought instead of original. The ethics,the attitudeof treating thing,the behavior will be affect by local culture,especially the young,they would get new education,so their knowldege will follow the new culture.
Customs: Food is particular example, people should adapt different flavor of local food.It means they suppose to change to another life.If they come form Asian to Canada, they should eat bugger,sandwich,BBQ as daily meals.Once their basic custom would change,their life would change.
when they come back their home country,they may feel uncomfortable because they have already got changing.

Journal 1

Studying in school in your country and in Vancouver
I did my first 2 years of high school in China.There're more subjects than here.Every Chinese student takes same class.You don;t have any spare class to study by yourself.The students get lots of homework and exams.They need remeber many formulas on math, physics or whatever.The teachers also make a large amount of exerses .The life of school is pretty intendse.
I did my last year high school (Grade 12)here as a exchange student in Canada.It's so different form that in China.You can take the courses whatever you want and you got much more free time to do the activits by your own such as phycics exercise.

Studying English in different countries
I started learing English since I went to elementary school.The teacher tauhgt us English letters from A to Z.They always taught us simple English word though doing games.We could learn form playing.
When I attended high school,English was treated as a unlively course as well as math for me.I need remeber all the vocabulry aby rigid.It's so boring,I think I did English course just for the exam which is just a condition to attend university.
Untill I came to Canada,I entered ELI ,I found that there're many different to train English.Playing card game ,watching video,brainstorm,listening English songs were used to train.I felt the insterets from it, so I paid more attention on it,my Engish get better and better.



My name is Lei Xing ,I am from China, I 'm also studying in ELI UBC now, I enjoy my class,it privds lots of help for me to improve my English,I hope I could attend UBC undergruade next year!