
Journal 2

The effects when you moved to another coutry
Nowadays ,more and more people move from their home coutry to developed coutry.They just want to have a better life.
The new life also affects you on many aspacts such as language ,culture,customes.
Lanuage:If a person speak English as secong language come to Canada.He must learn English and use it all the time,Sooner or later,his morther language will desulomate.
Culture:when they immigrant to new coutry,the culture is totally different.They will get another kind of thought instead of original. The ethics,the attitudeof treating thing,the behavior will be affect by local culture,especially the young,they would get new education,so their knowldege will follow the new culture.
Customs: Food is particular example, people should adapt different flavor of local food.It means they suppose to change to another life.If they come form Asian to Canada, they should eat bugger,sandwich,BBQ as daily meals.Once their basic custom would change,their life would change.
when they come back their home country,they may feel uncomfortable because they have already got changing.

1 条评论:

Eilidh 说...

You have some intersting ideas here, Lei, but you really need to look at how you are organizing your work. Is this a paragraph or an essay? If it is an essay, please remember that you need to have distinct, well-organised paragraphs. Here, it looks like you are making single sentences into paragraphs, which just doesn't work!paragraphs don't have sub-headings - try to include your meaning in a topic sentence with a controlling idea. Always remember too that you MUST proofread and edit your work, or ask a friend to read it first, beofre you post it.Perhaps you could look at this again and work on it to develop it into an essay.